Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Karla's Health Update - 3/10/08

Hi, dear family and friends!

As some of you know, I had what I called “a wild ride” last week. My story isn’t over, but I am thankful to report good news. On Tuesday last week, I had a “bad” mammo/ultrasound, with the doctor telling me I have breast cancer and to get a biopsy asap. I got the biopsy the next day, Wednesday. I was supposed to hear results on Friday but the lab needed more time to identify the type of cells. “I’m sure it’s cancer. Have a nice weekend and try not to think about it,” was what the doctor told me. Yeah, sure… I took in prayers like a sponge. I just got called at 5 pm on Monday (today). It is cancer, but it’s manageable. It’s contained in the ducts, with maybe a little breakthrough. My assignment is to find a surgeon soon, have a lumpectomy and take a few lymph nodes, biopsy all that, and then be done. (If that biopsy indicates more, I would need to go back to take out more.) The follow-up is radiation, not chemo. I shouldn’t lose energy or even hair. Waiting was hard, but I’ve been moved to tears by people’s concern, support, and care. Jack’s been wonderfully supportive. I have been stopped mid-track in public places by people who asked to pray for me. Thanks to you all! I am so relieved! Hit me the next time I complain about anything or pray for someone without having real compassion. Thank You, God, for a new sense of lease on life!!!! (I still appreciate your prayers for wisdom and healing.)

Love, thanks, blessings,
Karla /Mom/Aunt Karla/ Etc

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