Friday, November 28, 2008

Karla's Health Update - 11/26/08

Dear Family and Friends,
Thank you for your continued prayer support for Mom during this time. Mom began the oral form of chemo and found it to be very difficult on her. Due to its powerful strength, the side effects were difficult on her system…nausea, mouth sores, swollen tongue, and blotchy skin. The doctors decided to then take her off of the chemo for the weekend and decide on their next method. She will begin intravenous chemo once again next week. The doctors decided she was too weak to handle the oral chemo. They say she is tired due to a combination of the following: the cancer, the chemo, and dehydration. They had her on an IV at the doctor’s office for an hour yesterday. It has been a difficult time but Mom and Dad have been so blessed by prayer support, words of encouragement, cards, meals, etc.
We are grateful to be spending Thanksgiving at Tom and Margie’s. For those of you who do not know, Tom is my cousin, Mom and Dad’s nephew. It is a blessing that they live a little over a mile from Mom and Dad’s home. Mom has not ventured out more than to doctor appointments so it will be so nice to have this family gathering so close to her home as we can get her back home if and when she needs to.
Mom does not have much energy or a big appetite. She sleeps much of the time and eats soups, sometimes eggs, tapioca pudding, and drinking a lot of carrot juice. She misses being with people. She likes to lay down near wherever there is action so she can listen to conversations and hear fun and sometimes share in the conversations. For example, the other night, Dad wanted to go for a walk while we were at the home. He left for his walk, Dave and I played Mexican Train Dominoes while Mom lay on the couch listening to us play. It was just important to her to be there. The other day, Dave and Dad were in the kitchen discussing new kitchen appliances that are needed. Mom called from her bed, “Can I say something else about this too?” We all got a good chuckle… she doesn’t miss a beat J.
Mom continues to be Mom. She’ll ask how my work is going, what is heavy on my heart, how other family members are. She asks if I have any funny stories of things students I work with have said or done. She asks what the message was about at church and cries at the words of hope just shared from the main point of the message. She is very grateful for every little thing you do for her. She is so grateful for Dad and his endless servant heart toward her during this time.
Dad is amazing with her. He is very patient with her, loving and caring for her all the time. Dad is energized by being able to take walks. When we are over there, he usually takes the opportunity to take a quick walk. He is strong for both of them despite how difficult it has been. He is very humbled by how thoughtful people have been. It means so much to see others come along side during a difficult time.
Toby has been spending the night at Mom and Dads’ two nights a week to help out. Dave and I find weekends to be better for us schedule wise. It is neat how this has worked out, Mom has something to look forward to throughout the week and Dad has help on those days.
As we celebrate being thankful, please know we are ever so grateful for you all. We can’t imagine what it would be like to not have the support of family and friends. Thank you for your continued prayers, support, and care.
Heather Hofman


Karen of Scottsdale said...

Think of you often and pray for your health. Hope you find joy in the funny moments.

Unknown said...

What a great idea to keep us posted. Please know we lift you up to the Father for complete healing and the peace that passes all understanding.

Blaine & Golden

Elly said...

We see the fruitfulness of your dedication and love every day, as we go through the pages that come to our hands - pages written in different formats and in different languages. Our prayers for you are of thanksgiving. "Nos te amamos muito."

Cleiton, Elly, and the Harvest Family

LindaFox said...

The blog is beautiful. My heart is with you always light up the world with your wit and humor. I hang on your every word and my my Heather is filling in beautifully! Like mother like daughter. Keep us posted on how to pray specifically and know we are joyful in hope for what God plans to do on behalf of our Karla.

McVea said...

The Blog is a great idea! I have added it to my home pages!

Praying for you often!

Mike and Lana

Dan and Rebecca said...

Karla, you and Jack were irreplaceable friends and great inspirations to us while we were living in AZ...we watch and pray with you for God's miracles, great and small, daily in your lives...laugh and marvel today!